Horoscope for Monday, March 10, 2025
There are no restrictions to shopping or important decisions. The moon is in Leo.
A positive day
You’re a Friday person caught in a Monday world. Play hooky if you can. Take a long lunch. Meet friends for social outings, coffee, lunch or Happy Hour. Sports events and activities with kids will delight because you’re in the mood to have fun! Arts and crafts are blessed.
A positive day
You have a warm feeling in your tummy, which is why you will enjoy hanging out at home. (Some of you might entertain or have a gathering at home.) Relations with friends and groups will go well because you are content with yourself today. You’re happy.
A positive day
Enjoy talking to friends, groups and organizations because people will be upbeat and happy to see your face. Nevertheless, despite all these feel-good-connections you have with others, this is also an excellent day for business. Look for opportunities and ways to boost your advantage.
A dynamic day
Your ruler the moon is in your Money House making wonderful connections with moneybags Jupiter, plus Mercury and Venus at the top of your chart. That makes this an excellent day to talk to bosses and authority figures about financial matters. Ask for a raise. Demand the advantage.
A dynamic day
This is a fantastic day for you because the moon is in your sign making beautiful aspects to both Mercury and Venus. And at the same time, it is also dancing beautifully with lucky, moneybags Jupiter! Oh my, it doesn’t get much better than this. Be confident and go after what you want.
An average day
Any work that you do behind the scenes will pay off. You might do research that helps you get a loan or mortgage because doors will open for you. Negotiations with bosses and people in authority will benefit you in many ways. Knowing this, make your pitch! Ask for what you want.
A positive day
Enjoy schmoozing with others, especially partners and close friends. In particular, you will be intrigued by contact with groups or friends from other cultures and different countries. Someone close to you might introduce you to someone you find interesting. A fun day!
A positive day
You make a fabulous impression on everyone, which is why relations with coworkers, bosses, customers and clients will flow smoothly. People will admire you. In addition to this, negotiations about money, financial support, loans, taxes and mortgages will be favorable.
A dynamic day
Competing impulses exist today. In one way, you’re happy to relax at home and perhaps entertain. However, in another way, you want to get outta Dodge! One thing is certain, relations with kids will be positive. Social outings will please you. Romance is blessed.
A positive day
Be open to learning something new today. Short trips will appeal. You might also explore home repairs or redecorating projects because the practical and financial support is there for you today. (This especially applies to work spaces for those who work at home.)
A positive day
Conversations and negotiations with others will be positive because your communication skills are excellent. Social outings, sports events and fun activities with kids will appeal. Partners and close friends are supportive. All these will combine to make this a winning day!
A dynamic day
Finances are favored for you, especially with respect to real estate or doing something to improve your home or a home-based business. Trust your moneymaking ideas. Look for ways to boost your income or get richer, because this can happen.
Actress Sharon Stone (1958) shares your birthday. You are practical, organized and have a discerning mind. You are sensitive, thoughtful and compassionate. This year is about creating solid foundations in your life both externally and internally. Simplicity is the key. It’s also time to take charge of your health. You might explore martial arts or yoga.
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Moon alert
Aries (March 21-April 19)
Taurus (April 20-May 20)
Gemini (May 21-June 20)
Cancer (June 21-July 22)
Leo (July 23-Aug. 22)
Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)
Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)
Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)
Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)
Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)
If your birthday is today
Your Daily FinanceScope for March 10, 2025
The best things in life are free, but we could all use some extra cash. Let us lead you to the land of green with our daily finance horoscope!
It’s easy to show off your prowess when your only competition is a bunch of kids. Hey, have fun with it. It won’t be a scorching contest, but it will be a healthy break from real competition.
Your personal attachments are more valuable than ever. That’s a natural reaction to adversity. Be sure the people you cling to now are actually life preservers, not dead weights.
Even if you’re just shooting the breeze, you might as well do it about something you take seriously. You never know when the right person may be listening, and willing to help you put your ideas in motion.
You imagined things would only get bigger and better from here on out. Well, from this point that might be a realistic notion. But don’t waste any more time fretting over lost ground.
You need to spend time warming your soul. Bask in the heat someone else is giving off. Thinking of yourself as a bum around an ashcan is an unfortunate image with the right result.
Looking for a better romance? Find the empowerment you need with our Karma Love Report. 💞
Plans can come in handy, and not just for their obvious uses. Keeping yourself busy is your best defense against your financial demons. As long as it doesn’t mean opening your wallet, of course.
Stay as active as is humanly possible today. You should be so busy that the financial details just don’t matter anymore. You’ll be giving yourself a psychic breather while running yourself ragged.
Challenge yourself to de-stress. Do whatever it takes to unwind, no matter how crazy or flamboyant you let yourself become. Your only problem should be inhibition.
It’s exactly the wrong time to travel, if you go by your bank account. You go strictly by luck, though, and it’s on your side. Hoping to upgrade your accommodations, however, is still pushing it.
Business problems are on your mind yet again. There’s no point in reminding yourself about them, though. The issues you’re mulling over are too demanding to care. Endure.
You’re wasting time longing for your independence. You’d never be where you are today if you did everything solo. Keep that in mind during today’s power struggles.
Maybe it’s easier for you to take care of your health than it is for others, but it’s easier for them to stay within their budget. You don’t want your nose rubbed in that, do you? Mind your own business.
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Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: March 10, 2025
Astrologer and Cut columnist Claire Comstock-Gay reads the stars as Madame Clairevoyant.
The Leo moon gives off warm, supportive energy throughout the day: In the morning it works with Mercury to boost your communication skills, in the early afternoon it connects with Venus to activate your charm, and in the evening, it links up with Jupiter to give you some extra confidence and luck. In all, it’s a good day for socializing and remembering that while life demands plenty of hard work, you need (and deserve) time to relax and enjoy yourself, too.
It can feel like you spend all your time on tasks that are productive, but that aren’t actually meaningful — at least, not to you. Even if everyone around you is impressed, that hardly matters if you don’t feel a sense of accomplishment. So today, set aside time to play, explore, and tap into your creativity. The point right now isn’t to get “results” or find success, but simply to tap into your life force, to do something purely for the joy of it.
Although you can see the appeal of spontaneity, the truth is that you’re probably a creature of habit, and as long as your routines are working for you, you see no reason to mess with them. Sometimes, you wonder whether you’re missing out, whether a more free-wheeling version of yourself would be happier or more successful. But today, stop worrying about what you “should” be doing differently. You don’t have to strive to be anything other than what you are.
It can feel as though the best, even the only, way to build the kinds of close relationships you want is through deep conversations in which you share your innermost fears and desires. You might assume that the lighthearted conversations and little jokes with your friends count for less somehow. But today, don’t disregard them. These small, playful moments of connection are what ultimately make deeper intimacy possible.
You’ve got strong self-preservation instincts, which sometimes makes it hard to open up to others as much as you’d like. Instead of confessing your vulnerabilities, it seems safer to keep them to yourself; while part of you wants to share your time or resources with others, another part of you wants to hold on tight just in case you need them later. Today, though, try to err on the side of openness and generosity. You don’t need to give away everything you have, but you won’t regret sharing what you can.
Sometimes you fear that you’re too loud, too weird, just too much for the people around you. In order to preserve your relationships, it can seem smart to tone your personality down a bit, sanding down your edges in order to be more palatable. But while there might be some people who don’t appreciate your individuality, they aren’t the ones that matter — your true friends like you exactly as you are, challenges and all. The less you worry about seeming like the “right” sort of person, the more easily the people on your wavelength can find you.
You often struggle to let yourself rely on other people. Even if you have faith that your friends have your best interests at heart, you don’t always believe that they know how to put their intentions into practice. It seems wiser to do everything yourself. Today, though, see what happens if you put your trust in the people who love you. If you give them an opportunity to help, you may be pleasantly surprised by how well they pull through.
As much as you might prefer collaboration to independent work, you understand that there won’t always be others around to help, so you’ve worked hard to build the skills and self-reliance you’ll need in tough times. Just remember that this doesn’t need to become your default, and that having the ability to solve a problem on your own doesn’t mean you need to reject help when it arrives. Today, don’t deny yourself other people’s company simply to prove something to yourself.
While some people get swept off their feet as soon as something shiny and new comes along, you tend to have more skepticism. You’re watchful for ulterior motives and hidden downsides; if a lucky break seems too good to be true, you’ll spot the catch. Today, just don’t be so suspicious that you reject the opportunities that actually are as good as they seem. Honor your critical thinking skills, but be open to the possibility for genuinely wonderful things to happen.
You consider yourself adventurous, someone who will never be truly satisfied with a monotonous life. In real life, though, it can be hard to let this part of yourself shine — you have to put up with so much tedium and stress simply to make ends meet. But today, you might find opportunities for adventure. Your challenge is not to overthink things or talk yourself out of having any fun, but simply to dive in.
Most of the time, you prefer to process your most intense feelings privately. You don’t mind sharing the minor stuff with your friends, but when it comes to life’s truly big joys and sorrows, you tend to keep to yourself. You’re under no obligation to open up about everything, of course, but, today, you might find that talking through your feelings helps you find the clarity that’s been eluding you. And even if your emotions are just as heavy after you’ve shared them, you’ll have a stronger bond with someone you love.
You tend to notice only your own worst traits; you might even see it as a kind of moral duty to acknowledge your shortcomings without flinching or making excuses. But this isn’t the full picture: For that, you also need to account for your best traits. It’s probably much harder for you to appreciate the sides of yourself that are rare and wonderful — but while you might struggle with this, it’s easy for the people who love you, so today, practice seeing yourself through their eyes.
It’s exciting to start projects and satisfying to complete them, but right now, you feel stuck in the slow, boring middle. Your earlier exuberance has faded, but you can’t quite see the finish line, and it’s hard to find the motivation to keep going. Today, though, you might find the burst of inspiration you needed. There’s still plenty of work ahead of you, but you’ll be reminded that you’re making valuable progress — gradual as it might be.
Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.