WWE NXT results, live blog (Feb. 25, 2025): The Hardy Boyz return
Follow along with this week’s episode, featuring The Hardy Boyz making their return to WWE under the NXT banner for a match with No Quarter Catch Crew, and more!
Here’s a place to check results and comment along with the newest episode of WWE NXT, airing live on Tuesday night in the 8 pm ET time slot on CW.
Advertised for tonight: The Hardy Boyz are back under the WWE umbrella, this time coming to NXT to square up with No Quarter Catch Crew.
Meanwhile, Stephanie Vaquer will put the women’s North American championship on the line against Karmen Petrovic, Lexis King will challenge Moose for the TNA X-Division championship, Ricky Saints & Je’Von Evans team up to take on Ethan Page & Wes Lee in tag team action, and a whole lot more!
Come right back here at 8 pm ET when the NXT live blog kicks off once the show starts on CW. A running record of everything that happens will be below this line here.
Enjoy the show!
So you keep a little secret down deep inside your dresser drawer for dealing with the heat you’re feeling out on the killing floor? No matter where you step you feel you’re never out of danger, so the comfort that you keep’s a gold-plated-snub-nose-thirty-two. I heard that you got a job downtown, but me? I’m just here to liveblog this pro wrestling show, folks.
The show opens with the usual montage of talent arriving at the arena.
Feeling out, Vaquer with a side headlock, shot off, shoulder block, drop down, duck under, Stephanie counters the pin, reversed, side kick from Petrovic! Whip across, crucifix driver connects… NOPE! Lotus Lock applied, wrenching it all the way in, posting up on her hands!
If you like us hanging out, chatting, sometimes talking about nonsense, then I can guarantee you’re going to love our Patreon. Check it out https://www.patreon.com/secretbase and you’ll see what I’m talking about. As for today, I hate the NFL rulebook. To be fair, I think it hates itself as well. It takes winding roads in ways that would surprise no one, but it’s also why clear answers are rare to come by for why something was called the way it was. When Josh Allen was credited with a receiving touchdown, I needed to know why. Spoiler, it can get boiled down to, “well, it just does,” according to the rules. That said, when Josh Allen made us all take note of receiving touchdowns in the Buffalo Bills 2024 game against the San Francisco 49ers, it created a moment that’s worth diving into and what I realized is we (universally) discussed it all wrong. We’ll get into that. Hope you enjoy.
Vaquer reverses, trading pins, inverted surfboard transitions into the rocking horse! Out of it, Karmen with a sliding kick, cover for two! Standing kicks to the chest, shoved off, quebradora connects and the champion follows it with a straight suplex and a leg drop for two! Petrovic sidesteps knees and lands a Codebreaker that sends Vaquer to the floor!
Karmen dives and we go to break!
Back from commercial, Vaquer with a dropkick and some lariats, back suplex, getting a head of steam together, the figure four headscissors smashes follow! Corner knees, getting her into position, desperate elbow from Petrovic but Stephanie hauls off with a headbutt and a slap! Charging in, stepping up, Karmen blasts her with a high roundhouse and follows it with a handstand victory roll!
Falling corkscrew roundhouse… SO CLOSE! DDT into a victory roll, Karmen kicks out, Vaquer hits Sole Food and follows it with a boot! Dragging Petrovic into the ropes, Tiger feint kick connects! Springboard back in… KARMEN CUTS HER DOWN WITH A SUPERKICK BUT CAN’T KEEP HER DOWN!
Trading shots, Petrovic blocks a kick, whip reversed, kick caught, Vaquer grabs the other leg and lands the dragon screw! Packaging her…
Stephanie Vaquer wins by pinfall with SBB, retaining the NXT Women’s North American Championship.
Post-match, Giulia makes her entrance, mic in hand.
She congratulates Stephanie on her win and says she says she’s the best champion but she’s not, because she is. Vaquer says “la Primera” means champion of champions and Giulia asks why they don’t find out who the best woman is. Stephanie says they’re friends but it should be title vs. title, champion vs. champion!
We see Arianna Grace chatting with Santino Marella about the NXT/TNA agreement.
Marella says something about the Hard Boys being on NXT and Lola Vice rolls up to demand a match and she doesn’t care on what show. Grace tries to brush her off and says she’s a better pageant queen than a liar and challenges her to a match. Santino has to use his free hand to keep the Cobra under control, Arianna is insulted, and Vice says she’ll see her tonight.
Lexis King in braided pigtails like a demented hair metal Pippy Longstocking for some reason rolls up on Oba Femi backstage and I’m so distracted by his hair that honestly I couldn’t process most of what he said but I think he’s challenging Femi to a match on the basis of Ruler vs. King? Sure.
And so we go to break.
Back from commercial, we hear from our new mystery stable in the form of a social media post about how you can’t know when or where they’re going to strike next.
Collar and elbow, Moose backs him into the corner, King ducks a lariat, but the champion gets him with a chop! Big biel from the big man, Lexis backs him into the corner with chops, gets thrown to the apron, enzuigiri and a shoulder block, slingshot sunset flip blocked, Moose chops him in the corner!
King up top, Moose dropkicks him clean to the floor from standing! Following out after, smashing Lexis’ face into the announce desk, hard whip into the steel steps follows! Powerbomb lift, King fights out with punches, kick from the apron sets up a falling northern lariat! Back inside, up top, Moose catches him and drops him with a Book End!
Powerbomb countered, Lexis with kicks, off the ropes, back body drop sends him crashing into the ramp! King screaming agony while Moose recuperates, he goes back in and the champion toys with him and Vic Joseph acts like we’re coming back from break which y’know I felt like we should have had a commercial in there.
Lexis snaps off a Frankensteiner for a nearfall, dive to the floor, back inside with a diving crossbody, cover for two! Moose dives, release powerbomb, cover… NOT ENOUGH! King on the comeback, Coronation… MOOSE KICKS OUT! Second try, back body drop, off the ropes…
Moose wins by pinfall with the spear, retaining the TNA X-Division Championship.
Post-match, Oba Femi comes down to go face-to-face with Moose.
He congratulates Moose on making it past Lexis King and wants to focus on what matters— the two of them, what everybody wants. He says Ava Raine made it official— in two weeks at Roadblock, it’ll be title vs. title!
We get a promo from Shawn Spears where he talks up all of his allies— Brooks Jensen, Niko Vance, and Izzi Dame— before saying the last piece is for him to win the NXT North American Championship from Tony D’Angelo.
We see Jordynne Grace walking backstage to send us to break.
Back from commercial we get a Twitter promo from Arianna Grace and Kelani Jordan hanging out on their way into the arena today with Jaida Parker heckling Jordan from the back of the bus as a confrontation breaks out.
Jordynne Grace makes her entrance and gets on the mic.
She says she knew exactly where she belonged from the moment she first stepped into a WWE ring last year. She was an outsider carrying an entire company on her back, but after some time in the NXT women’s locker room, feeling the hunger, she knew she had to be part of it, so she didn’t hesitate when it came time to put pen to paper.
She had one thought, one singular goal, to become a champion in what she truly believes is the best women’s division in the world. The last time she was standing here it was between two women like nothing we’ve seen before, but she knows that Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer felt the shift, they felt the foundation they laid beginning to crack when she arrived.
Whether they like it or not it’s only a matter of time before she’s standing across from one of them in the ring. A juggernaut is unstoppable and it’s time that she finally—
Enter Roxanne Perez.
She wanted to be the first to welcome Jordynne back and says it only makes sense, she outgrew where she came from and any female wrestler knows that NXT is the place to be. Everyone wants to be part of the division that she made famous. Grace asks her, if this is her division, where is her title?
Perez asks if she means the title she couldn’t beat her for and tells her not to make her send her packing back to TNA. There’s a gap between them that’s been there since last year and it’s still there, and that’s why she’s gonna win at Elimination Chamber and go on to become the WWE Women’s World Champion at WrestleMania.
And then if she feels like it she might just become a three-time NXT Women’s Champion and have everyone calling her Rox-C Two Belts. Jordynne says there’s a famous saying that everyone has a plan until— SHE PUNCHES PEREZ IN THE FACE! Roxanne bails!
Trick Williams is on his phone lamenting his lack of success when Je’Von Evans rolls up. Williams takes what Je’Von is saying wrong and says they’re not the same, Evans is fighting over a smile and he’s fighting for a title and he best stay in his lane. Je’Von steps up to him and—
Ricky Saints rolls up and extends a hand but Trick just says he heard about him and leaves him hanging.
We see our tag teams for the next match walking backstage to send us to break.
Back from commercial, Jaida Parker is interviewed backstage.
She says Kelani Jordan had the right idea but the wrong one and she’s lost her damn mind since she lost the title. She got butthurt because she brushed her off like the gnat that she is and says in NXT, Jordan ain’t her and she’s gonna find out that Jaida Parker don’t play.
Heights starts it off against Jeff, feeling out, Brother Nero with the tag, Matt off the second with an elbow drop! Shoulder armbreakers en masse, another tag, double whip, double back elbow, double elbow drop, cover for two! Borne tags in, picking Jeff’s arm apart, kneeling armbar, to Tavion but Matt tags in and snaps his neck over the ropes!
Heights with a fireman’s carry, tag to Myles, Borne throws his own parter into Hardy! Double whip, Poetry in Motion comes up empty and Brother Nero gets the tag! POETRY IN MOTION OFF OF TAVION! Twist of Fate into a DDT, Hardyz in control, Jeff up on the stage for a head of steam, Poetry in Motion over the ropes and back inside!
Twist of Fate blocked, Borne with a snap scoop powerslam for two and we go to break!
Back from commmercial, Heights is working Matt over, tags made, NQCC double-teaming Jeff, he goes up top… WHISPER IN THE WIND TWO-FOR-ONE! F-5 / DDT combination… MATT BREAKS IT UP! Tag made, Plot Twist… TAVION BREAKS IT UP! Twist of Fate sets him up, Brother Nero off the top with the Swanton Bomb…
Hardy Boyz win by pinfall with a lateral press from Matt Hardy on Myles Borne.
Post-match, Fraxiom get in the ring with the Hardyz.
Axiom congratulates them and welcomes them to NXT. Matt Hardy thanks him and says he loves NXT so far and he’s watched them defend their titles and they’re killing it on a damn impressive run. Nathan Frazer says they’re the greatest tag team in the world today, standing face-to-face with the greatest tag team of all time.
Jeff wants to skip the small talk and book the match to find out who the best tag team in the world is.
Enter TNA Director of Fun Authority Santino Marella.
Santino says he and Ava have made a big decision for Roadblock— Fraxiom vs. the Hard Boyz at Roadblock with the TNA World Tag Team Championship on the line!
Both teams shake hands about it.
The D’Angelo Family are chatting in the restaurant about what happened last week when Tony D’Angelo rolls up.
Stacks tries to apologize but Tony says you can’t win ‘em all and he appreciates what he did last week but it’s on him to make it right. He’s watched Stacks direct the Family in his absence and he’ll handle Shawn Spears next week. Stacks is worried about Tony’s condition, Luca Crusfino says Tony’s the Don, Tony says Stacks is the Underboss and he gets a say, but he can handle it.
A hype reel for WWE LFG sends us to break.
We get footage from over the weekend of Chelsea Green and Piper Niven clashing with Sol Rucka and Zaria.
Piper pulls a tiny baby blue stun gun on them and it’s weirdly horny for a moment before going back to the usual pro wrestling “we’re better than you” posturing and Niven agreeing to a tag match.
Grace lands a couple jabs early, but a body blow from Vice hits her like period cramps and Lola follows it up with kicks to back her into the corner. Dancing for the crowd, Vice punctuates it with a hip attack and Arianna bails to the floor! Vice follows, Grace puts her into the apron a few times, off the ropes, back elbow and she puts Lola into the turnbuckles for some strikes!
Vice turns it around, lighting her up with kicks, dancing, Arianna begs off but an axe kick nails her…
Lola Vice wins by pinfall with a spinning backfist.
We rush backstage to where Myles Borne, Tavion Heights, and Charlie Dempsey are laid out and we see our four mystery men walking away as we go to break.
Back from commercial we get an Eddy Thorpe promo about how Native Americans once lived here in Ohio but were forced out and displaced west, which reminds him of how he beat Trick Williams but the powers that be still deny him opportunities to win the title.
He beat Trick fair and square with his strap, and if he has to do this again, he wants him just as bad as he wants him.
Ava Raine is interviewed from the Okerlund Position and she has a few announcements for us.
She makes both Femi vs. Moose and the Giulia vs. Vaquer title-for-title match official for Roadblock.
Commentary hypes up next week’s show.
Ethan Page and Wes Lee make their entrances to send us to break.
Feeling out, Evans in control of Lee, tag to Saints! Whip across, big back elbow, arm drags, revolution Atomic Drop, tag, double whip, double hip toss, sending Page packing with an assisted dropkick as well! Back body drop sends Wes crashing into All Ego on the floor and we go to break!
Back from commercial, working All Ego over, whip reversed, Evans with a boot up, Ethan gets him up top, jockeying for position, a headbutt from Je’Von knocks him down but Tyson Dupont and Tyriek Igwe run interference and allow Page to hit a huge backbreaker into the turnbuckles that sends Evans crashing to the floor!
Back inside, heels in control, working Je’Von over at length until Saints gets the hot tag! Tilt-a-whirl gutbuster, off the ropes, big lariat, All Ego breaks it up! Evans with a Superman Punch and a suicide dive, taking it to Page over the barricade and into the crowd! Wes with an enzuigiri, posting Ricky, he ducks under, big tossing powerbomb, fending off Dupont and Igwe!
Lee charges in with double knees but Saints kicks out! Ricky presses the attack…
Je’Von Evans & Ricky Saints win by pinfall with Roshambo from Saints on Wes Lee.
Ricky celebrates.
That’s the show, folks.
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Play today’s SB Nation in-5 Daily Trivia Game!
Karmen Petrovic vs. Stephanie Vaquer (c) (NXT Women’s North American Championship)
Lexis King vs. Moose (c) (TNA X-Division Championship)
Hardy Boyz (Jeff & Matt Hardy) vs. No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne & Tavion Heights)
Arianna Grace vs. Lola Vice
“All Ego” Ethan Page & Wes Lee vs. Je’Von Evans & “Absolute” Ricky Saints
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The Hardys Win WWE Return, To Defend TNA Tag Team Titles At NXT Roadblock
The Hardys (Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy) returned to the WWE ring for the first time in years on WWE NXT.
No Quarter Catch Crew (Myles Borne and Tavion Heights) called out The Hardys on the February 18th episode of WWE NXT, and the TNA World Tag Team Champions accepted the challenge. The two teams clashed on the February 25th episode of WWE NXT, and the bout marked The Hardys’ first tag team match in WWE since 2019.
The Hardys showcased the chemistry that has helped them become one of the most legendary teams in WWE history. Heights and Borne held their own with the legends. Matt and Jeff got a near fall with a Plot Twist. In the end, Jeff clinched the win with a Swanton Bomb.
The Hardy Boyz are back in WWE!!!#WWENXT pic.twitter.com/Kc71xXNU65
— WWE (@WWE) February 26, 2025
NXT Tag Team Champions Fraxiom (Nathan Frazer and Axiom) confronted The Hardys after the match. Matt Hardy praised the duo. Frazer said he and Axiom were the greatest tag team in the world, but The Hardys were the best tag team of all time. Jeff Hardy challenged Frazer and Axiom to a match. TNA Director of Authority Santino Marella came out and announced that The Hardys would defend their titles against Axiom and Frazer at NXT Roadblock.
The Hardys have had multiple stints in WWE. They have won the tag team titles eight times, not including one run with the WCW titles. Matt Hardy previously left WWE in 2020. WWE released Jeff Hardy in December 2021. They had a run together in AEW before they separately left the company and reunited in TNA in 2024.
RELATED: WWE NXT Results: Review, Grades, Card For February 25
The post The Hardys Win WWE Return, To Defend TNA Tag Team Titles At NXT Roadblock appeared first on Wrestlezone.
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